"(JMTM)亞洲謹台材料科技有限公司 公司代表人:朱耀辰 地址:臺灣台中市西屯區西屯路3段166-25號10樓2 TEL:886-4-24610147 CELLphone:886932085007 E-MAIL:gabrile.chu@gmail.com 簡介:亞洲謹台材料科技有限公司(原 謹台有限公司),成立於2000年,2010正式代理銷售北京機電所真空熱處理爐,懷抱著能讓提供廠家朝向高端製造及提高產品品質為精神,使客戶實現安全、高效、節能、綠色製造。 2000年創立迄今、位於台灣省台中市: 母公司為台北市中正區(永諾商業集團) 主要以銷售以大型真空工業爐設備及銷售儀器及特殊工具 工作同仁們都愛好綠色節能結合新產業科技 JMTM於2000年創立迄今、位於台灣省台中市(中部科學園區外 大肚山汽車零件供應鏈聚落) 本公司憑著用心與誠信,銷售歐洲多國的精密、特殊製程及非破壞性檢測系統、及環保設備等…,不間斷為提供客戶更多完整性的產品,不敗企圖朝向新目標前進。 主要專長合金鋼材熱工藝應用及真空下異材相結合(真空硬焊),與國內外有色金屬供應廠商、大型實驗有技術交流與計畫配合。 為求提升大中華區域工業品質,共同精進學習。 母公司為台北市中正區(永諾商業集團) JTMTwas established in 2000 and engaging in sales of industry instrument, vacuum furnace and materials as well as technology transfer. All our team members have at least 15 years of professional experiences in equipment of NDT and material application, high technology of casting and Vacuum Brazing.(真空硬焊) Following is the key personnel of our team: Steven Chu, General Manager - 150 hrs of training on X-RAY product application at Rich Seifert - 180 hrs of training on 3D product application at Werth Optical - 48 hrs of training on NDT product application at AGFA - 120 hrs of training on projector product application at Baty Optical - 80 hrs of training radiographic inspection (EN473) at TUV Mr. Charles Tang- Studying in SOUTH AFRIC Central MASTERS DEGREE - 23years of experience in IT SYSTEM Professional electronic control Chen, Consultant - 42 years of experience in maintaining and manufacturing of PLC and relative equipment In addition to the above personnel, we also have aggressive sales representatives, profession R&D and strong administration support. ( We hope the Special metal for manufacture of the ASIA( for the PEACE) "
Country/Region | : | Taiwan |
Booth No. | : | Q303 |