

Country/Region : Taiwan
Booth No. : Q411


•專為HFC-134a, HFO-1234yf 設計。Specially designed for HFC-134a and HFO-1234yf.
•驅動結構含霍爾元件可記錄步數。It’s driving structure includes Hall elements that can record step numbers.
•線性啟閉,減少衝擊,避免液錘,提升靜音度。Linear closure, reducing impacts, preventing water hammer, reducing strange noise and improving silence.
•固定式球閥結構:低內漏低摩擦、動作壽命高,長期穩定運行,減少維修和更換頻率。Fixed ball valve structure: low internal leakage, low friction, long term stable, reducing maintenance and replacement frequency.
•切換流通:系統靈活度高,具雙向與換向需求。Switching circulation: The system has high flexibility and accepting bidirectional and directional requirements.
•輕量化設計:小空間適用,輕巧設計,安裝靈活。Lightweight design: suitable for small spaces. The design is lightweight. The installation is flexible.
•低內漏:可用作截止閥使用,提高系統配置靈活度並有效控制成本。Low internal leakage: it can be used as a stop valve to improve the flexibility of system and effectively control the cost.
•全通徑閥芯球:全開流量大、壓損小,提升系統效率,降低能源消耗。Full port ball valve core: big flow and small pressure loss when fully open, improving system efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
•動密封設計:將冷媒封存於閥體內部,增加不同場域可應用性。Seal design: refrigerant is sealed in the valve body to increase different applications.