T-SAFE calls for Taiwan's PPE and Industrial Safety Hardware Manufacturers *Priority to products approved for subsidy under OSHA of the Ministry of Labour's occupational safety and hazard management SME-grant program
Occupational Safety Taiwan (T-SAFE), Taiwan's First Trade Fair Dedicated to Safety and Health at Work promotes new innovation and technologies that contribute to Workplace Health, Workplace Safety, Workplace Security, And Workplace Sustainability.
Leveraging on Taiwan's manufacturing capabilities, local producers and distributors of international safety brands are invited to exhibit at
T-SAFE to support companies' efforts in better safeguarding their employees with high-quality safety gears and to improve occupational safety programs with certified services and solutions.
Book Your Exhibition
T-SAFE Target Exhibitors - Manufacturers and Service Providers of:
- PPE and Safety End Products / Services
- Manufacturing Components, Materials & Solutions for PPE, Industrial Safety Hardware Production
- Occupational Safety Consultancy, Training & Services
Exhibit at T-SAFE to foster a safer, healthier, more secure, and environmentally conscious work environment across various labour-intensive industries such as manufacturing and machinery building, petrochemical processing, building and construction, medical and biotechnology, hospitality and services, plus many others.
OSHA of the Ministry of Labour's occupational safety and hazard management SME-grant program includes:
Subsidy of maximum NTD 200,000 for purchase of equipment for safe facilities implementation
Up to NTD 50,000 from the total grant provided can be used for PPE purchase
Key Occupational Hazard Areas
- Electrocution Exposure
- Falling & Flying
- Cutting, Machine Handling & Entrainment
- Collision
- Fire & Explosion
- Contact with Harmful Substances,
- Chemicals & Toxic Waste
OSHA-subsidy approved PPE & Safety Products
- Leakage Protection Device
- Welding & Electrical Insulation Protective Gears
- Safety Nets, Railings, Fencing, Toe Boards
- Anti-fall harness, Safety Cables
- Ladder
- Access Locks and Security Control Systems
- Mechanical Equipment Emergency Braking Device
- Vehicle Reverse Alarm Devices and Indicators
- Fire Safety Equipment and Extinguishers
- Ventilation Equipment
- Emergency Equipment for Lifting and Confined Space Rescue
- Gas Detectors and Respirators
- Dust and Pollutant Collection Equipment
- Shower and Anti-Contaminant Cleaning Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment (Safety Harness, Gloves, Masks, Footwear Etc)
And many more
Product Category Include...
Personal protective equipment
Media / Occupational Safety Training
Corporate wear/ Workwear
Personal protective equipment
Components, fabrics and service
Environment control at workplace Occupational health management / prevention
Disaster Preparedness Equipment/Emergency Management
Major Overseas Visiting Countries
Japan / United State / India / Hong Kong / South Korea / Indonesia / Thailand / U.K. / South Africa / Germany
2024 Buyer TOP 5 Target Products
1. Personal protective equipment
2. Environment control at workplace
3. Disaster Preparedness Equipment/Emergency Management
4. Occupational health management / prevention
5. Corporate wear/ Workwear
2025 Expected Results
28,000+ VISITS
Supporters for 2024 T-SAFE